Monday, April 11, 2011

Momusu both old & new.

A short post.

First for those who follow Dorimusu ( Dream Morning Musume ) they have a new website with some videos that can be found on YouTube at Up Front channel . I am still expecting some sort of DVD concert release this late Fall after thier tour is finished.

For those who follow Ogawa Makoto she moved her blog .

Lastly if you follow the 9th generation of Morning Musume they will begin a weekly Ustream broadcast every Wednesday at 8pm / 20:00 hours ( Tuesday for us in the U.S. at 6am / 06:00 hours central time ) starting this week.

P.S. Hiroko is still having issues with Paypal. It will probably be at least 30-45 days before she can get a Japan based Paypal account setup & running. The whole problem is her account was created in the U.S. when she was here attending college & thus subject to America tax laws. You can read more at Hiroko Channel .