Thursday, December 29, 2011

10th Generation concerns

As each generation enters whether we agree with thier induction or not they are Morning Musume. So as the 10 Generation entered we knew and had full confidence in Tsunku-san to make the right choices. However while we may like or dislike a member do to thier personality it's rare we do so over thier abilities or in this case lack there of.

So you probably figured out the two I speak of all ready, Sato Masaki & Iikubo Haruna. Personally I don't feel they deserve or belong, but as I said earlier they're Momusu. Sato by the looks of it will make it though as we've seen will require continous support. It looked as if for just a momment Gaki-san was losing her paitents having to repeat herself over & over in the featured video. My biggest concern is Iikubo. It appears as if she just doesn't have the ability or talent for dancing. She always seems to be struggling to handle what's going on each moment, like a deer in the headlights. The thought ouccured that if she is having such a hard time in learning & keeping up with the limited performances for the upcoming HiP Concert, how will she do in the Spring tour. It appears that MM had it easy with the 9th Gen. as they came up to speed quickly, though we still see Ikuta Erina by her own initiative seeking more time in her dance lessons. I can't say enough in how impressed & pleased I'm with the 9th Generation. It's hard to believe this January 2nd it'll be thier one year anniversary 8)

Despite my concern about Iikubo lets not forget there was another talnetless and questionable member added a little over ten years ago by the name of Konno Asami. I'm sure she, like Konkon, will be a great credit to her senpais that stuck with her development.

HiP 2012 rehersals